WIS 175 (Appleton Avenue) Intersection

Menomonee Falls, WI
Village of Menomonee Falls/WisDOT SE Region
Stepping up to clear up mixed signals.

“Clear is kind.” – Brene Brown

And until Kapur stepped in, the Appleton Avenue/Pilgrim Road/Menomonee Avenue intersections of WIS 175 were anything but.

Alignment shifts were causing confusion for drivers. Coupled with antiquated traffic signals and lighting, putting pedestrians and bicyclists in danger. To sort things out, the Village of Menomonee Falls and the WisDOT Southeast Region needed help.

Utilizing staged construction to maintain business access and traffic flow, Kapur took measures to help drivers by extending the curb islands to create dedicated right-turn lanes, while modifying the left-turn lanes to eliminate a shift in alignment, driver expectancy concerns, and low visibility. Not to mention, a mill and overlay of the existing pavement improved their ride quality and prolonged the life of the road.

With pedestrians and bicyclists in mind, crosswalk lengths were reduced, new coordinated traffic signals with countdown timers were implemented, and updates were given to the lighting and pavement markings, as well as curb ramps through the design of ADA-compliant bump-outs and extended curb islands.  

Entrusted to ensure drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists were all on the same page, Kapur was also responsible for coordinating all public involvement, agency coordination, and utility coordination efforts.

  • Agency coordination
  • Design study report
  • Drainage/storm sewer
  • Environmental document
  • Erosion control
  • Field survey
  • Pavement design report
  • PS&E
  • Public involvement
  • Signals & lighting
  • Signing & marking
  • Stormwater management
  • Traffic control
  • Utility coordination
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